Appeca Mobile Template & PWA

one year ago |

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Appeca comes packed with 13 Homepage Styles, 6 Walkthrough Styles & 3 Splash Screens, so you won’t have a problem choosing a homepage to start with. You can create infinite variations using the amazing copy and paste components to obtain the perfect user experience and user interface.

  • Classic Homepage
  • Cards / Material Homepage
  • Coverpage Slider Homepage
  • Rouded Homepage
  • Login Homepage
  • News Homepage (template, no CMS attached)
  • Store Homepage (template, no CMS attached)
  • Blog Homepage (template, no CMS attached)
  • Profile Homepage
  • Timeline Homepage
  • Splash Screen HomePage (3 Styles)
  • Walkthrough Homepage (6 Styles


Appeca uses an insanely powerful and simple to use menu and offers you ALL Mobile menu pages, in one single layout. Yes! It’s simple, copy paste proof, and will create a seamless and beautifuly animated experience for your users. All menus are available in Light & Dark Options!

  • Sidebars Large (Left & Right)
  • Sidebars Small (Left & Right)
  • Modal Menu (Center or Full Screen)
  • Header Dropdown
  • Footer Fly-Up
  • Modal Icons
  • Modal Opaque Text
  • Contact Form Menu (Top or Bottom)
  • Action Sheet Menu (Top or Bottom)

Appeca’s menu system can create any element off canvas, meaning, even the snackbars, action sheets, contact forms, notifications that you see are made using the amazing menu system, allowing a pure code optimization that reduces page load and increases performance drastically


You can just copy and paste these components wherever you need them.

  • Dividers
  • Ad Boxes
  • Accordions
  • Dropdowns
  • Radio Boxes ( Font Awesome )
  • Check Boxes ( Font Awesome )
  • Input Fields (3 Styles)
  • Range Sliders (3 Styles)
  • Action Sheets (Infinite Options)
  • 3 Columns, 2 Columns, Full Screen
  • Content Boxes (6 Styles)
  • Button (Hundreds of Styles)
  • Icons (Hundreds of Styles)
  • Chips (2 Styles, 2 Colors)
  • Toasts (2 Styles, 25 Colors)
  • Search (Functional Search in Class)
  • Quotes (5 Styles
  • Charts (Powered by Charts.JS. A tone of styles)
  • Graphs (Powered by Charts.JS. A tone of styles)
  • Reviews (6 Styles)
  • DropCaps (3 Styles)
  • Highlights (1 Styles, 25 Colors)
  • Cookie Consent Box(2 Colors)
  • 25 Reusable Color Classes
  • Tabs (2 Styles, 25 Colors)
  • Toggles (3 Classic + 5 Mobile Styled)
  • SnackBars (25 Colors)
  • OS Detection (Android, iOS)
  • Image Effects on Tap (3 Effects)
  • Classic Tables (25 Colors + Icons)
  • Pricing Tables (4 Styles + 25 Colors
  • 650+ Font Awesome Pixel Perfect Icons
  • Reading Progress Bar
  • Reading Word Count
  • Reading Estimated Time
  • Preloader Color Styles Included
  • Pagination Styles (25 Colors)
  • 10+ Page Divider Styles & 25 Colors
  • Animted Back to Top with Facebook / Twitter Effect or Classic
  • Typography Elements Styled and Organized
  • Notification Boxes (3 styles + Fixed Top & Bottom Styles + 25 Colors)
  • Infinite Background Scrolling Effect
  • OWLCarousel & Fully Optimized
  • Task Progression (Infinite Styles)
  • Instant Content (Simulates Facebook/Google AMP Effect)


Pages incldued to help you start your project. Easy to copy paste features between them

  • Page Article Card (Instant Article Effect)
  • Page Article List (Instant Article Effect)
  • Careers Page (Instant Article Effect
  • Contact Page (Fully Working + Contact Sheet)
  • F.A.Q + Knowledge Base Page With Search
  • Forgot Password Page
  • Login Page
  • 404 Error Page
  • About Us Page
  • Maintenance Page
  • Profile (2 Pages)
  • Register Page
  • Coming Soon Page With Countdown Timer
  • System Status Page
  • Team Page (Instant Article Effect)
  • Timeline (2 Pages)
  • Terms of Service Dummy Page
  • VCard with Working Download VCard to Mobile


Appstyled Pages Simulate the effect of an actual application, but they are actually basic HTML pages with awesome styles

  • Calendar (3 Components)
  • Chat Bubbles
  • CoverPage Slider (Full Screen Image Slider With Captions)
  • Walkthrough Sliders (Like Native Applications on First Start)
  • Error
  • Login with Simple Background
  • Login with Infinite Background
  • Full Screen Google Maps
  • Coming Soon With Countdown
  • Splash Screen Starter
  • Walkthrogh Box (Instructions & Tutorials on Page)


Appeca’s Media Pages are made to guarantee the maximum exposure for your product and your showcases. Filter it, show it off, make it full screen and enjoy the view

  • Collections Gallery
  • Filterable Gallery with Top Control
  • Filterable Gallery with Menu Action Sheet
  • Thumbnail Round, Square and Captioned Gallery
  • Widescreen Gallery
  • Instant Portfolio Effect (Similar to Facebook Instant Articles)
  • 1 & 2 Column Portfolio with Multiple Styles
  • Portfolio Project Page


Appeca is a Site Template. It is not a WordPress Theme and therefore it is not connected to a CMS by default. But you can convert it yourself or hire a freelancer from Envato Studio. We prepared some awesome pages for those who are about to make this template a Theme.

  • News Home
  • News Archive
  • News Article
  • News Bookmarks
  • News Coverpage Slider
  • News List (3 Styles / 3 Pages)

  • Store Home (3 Styles / 3 Pages)
  • Store Cart (2 Styles / 2 Pages)
  • Store Checkout (2 Styles / 2 Pages)
  • Store Coverpage Slider
  • Store Invoice
  • Store List Columns
  • Store Classic List
  • Store Product Description (2 Styles / 2 Pages

  • Blog Home
  • Blog Categories
  • Blog Post
  • Blog List
  • Blog Archive
  • Blog Columns

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